To invigorate and revitalize skin by clarifying complexion and promoting cellular turnover. Easily attain sublime and flawless skin with remarkable reduction of comedogens, blackheads, acnes, and fine lines. Skin is gradually smoothened and refined with pores much less visible.
Main Ingredients
0.25% Retinol
Vitamin F
Vitamin E
Retinol is clinically proven to rejuvenate skin cells, exhilarate collagen synthesis, unclog pores and to maintain skin’s oil balance with comedogens, blackheads, and acnes. considerably improved, resulting in sublime and flawless skin free of visible pores and fine lines.
Vitamin F offers intensive nourishment and hydration to create soft, resilient, and glowing skin.
Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant to protect against free radicals and to promote cell repair for youthful and healthy skin.
Suitable For
All Skin Types (Except Sensitive Skin)