Eye Perfect Blue light defense moisturizer protects and repairs the skin from solar and artificial blue light-induced damage, It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes whilst diminishing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.
- Visibly reduces dark circles and eye puffiness
- A double blind study was performed with 20 female subjects (age 30+)
Per test area a cream with 5% REGU®-AGE was applied to test areas of subjects faces twice a day after facial cleansing

Bonicel® – Probiotic
1. Reduction in the appearance of Fine Lines and wrinkles
The inclusion of Bonicel was found to:
- Increase moisturization by 16.4%
- Increase skin elasticity by 2.9%
- Decrease the number of coarse skin lines by 38.4%
- Increase skin smoothness by 18.8%
- Increase the number of subjects showing improvement of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes by 41.7%

Bonicel was added at a 5% inclusion rate to a cream and was shown to decrease dryness by 89.8% in one week.

Eyeffective™-AGE- Probiotic
- An in vivo study was performed with two different panels to check the efficacy of Eye´fective™ in reducing dark circles and lifting up the eyelids.
20 volunteer women. 40-60 years old. With dark circles
Lumicease – Hydrolyzed Pea Protein
20 women applied a cream with 2% lumicease ™ blue ingredient on half face and a placebo cream on the other half, during the summer and while being daily exposed to artificial blue light.
• Preparation, Protection and Repair from Light-Induced Damage:Prepare your skin for light exposure and keep it protected all year round
• Reduced number of not yet visible spots:Protective effect against the appearance of future brown spots 14.1% less UV spots
• Decrease in brown spots:11.7% decrease in the number of brown spots, suggesting a repairing effect
• Wrinkles and roughness reduction:21.5% and 13.2% reduction in wrinkle volume and Ra respectively